
How do I get started?

Start by booking an Athletic Therapy Assessment where we will assess the injured area by taking a detailed history, performing functional tests, strength and range of motion tests. From there will provide you with an injury impression and detailed plan for rehabilitation. We will also begin treatment on your injury during the assessment. An injury assessment provides the background information to determine direction of treatment and rehabilitation so in order to be thorough, the appointments are typically 60 minutes.

What can you expect in your appointment?

– Expect to learn about why your injury occurred
– Expect to learn how your injury can be prevented from occurring again
– Expect a home program – you’re going to be working as diligently on your own as you are in clinic in order to ensure a speedy recovery

What can I do to prepare for my appointment?

– Wear clothing that will allow the Athletic Therapist to see the injured area (ie://tank top or sports bra for upper body injuries, shorts for lower body)
– Bring along any documentation or imaging reports relevant to the injury
– Complete your COVID-19 pre-screen form 24 hours prior to your appointment by clicking HERE.

Athletic Therapy Assessment (70min): $90
Athletic Therapy Treatment (55min): $70

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