This is our flagship strength training program designed to improve your strength, energy levels and your commitment to exercise. This program will ignite the spark of motivation if you’ve lost it or never had it in the first place!
Stronger U is a large group periodized training program that teaches you how to train, how to listen to your body and to challenge yourself in a way that will help you achieve long lasting improvements in your health and fitness. In 12 weeks time you’re going to be amazed to find that you actually look forward to working out because you know WHAT you’re doing, you know HOW to do it and you’ve experienced the incredible results of not only your consistent, but also INTENTIONAL effort.
Stronger U is broken down into 4 week phases of training:
Phase 1: Adaptation
During this phase we make sure all the parts are working. There is a major focus on posture, core activation and mastering basic movement patterns (think squat, deadlift, push-up, to name a few). This phase takes a deep dive into what may be familiar exercises for a lot of people, but through a new lense.
Phase 2: Strength
During our strength phase we focus on exercises that target specific muscle groups and lift weights that are heavy enough to challenge those muscles to become stronger. Your heart may not be racing, but your muscles will definitely feel challenged. We will be loading many of the movements you learned in the adaptation phase, plus adding a few new ones. We like to say – it feels good to feel strong!
Phase 3: Metabolic
During the metabolic phase we focus on high intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts. Your heart will be pumping in every workout as we aim for your personal maximal effort each week. In this phase you will see speed and power added to some of the movements from the strength and adaptation phases, as well as multi-joint movements. Many people have a love-hate relationship with these workouts, they are very challenging, but if you reach the right intensity, you boost your fat burning potential for hours after your workout is over!
How does it work:
– The weekend prior to the class starting you will listen to a webinar online that will set you up for the program and the first week
– On your first day of class you will receive your training manual
– Every Sunday you will have access to a webinar that will go through your training objectives for the week so you know exactly how to be challenging yourself and what to expect in the week’s workout
– Each Sunday you will set aside 20min to reflect on the previous week and prepare for the coming week using the prompts, schedules and trackers in your training manual
– Every Monday morning you will share a win and a challenge from the previous week with your fellow training partners in our What’s App chat
– Every Monday you will attend a scheduled class with your coach where you will go through the workout for the week
– You will have opportunities throughout the remainder of the week (weds/fri/sat) to attend open gym time to complete the workout assigned on Monday
What makes this program different from other strength training programs?
– Progressive programming
– Weekly coaching (online prior to the week starting and in an instructor-led class)
– Accountability (chat group, tracking sheets)
– Reflection work (completed weekly on your own)
What can I expect to achieve by the end of 12 weeks?
– An improvement in all around strength and stamina
– Improved joint mobility
– Improved core strength
– A renewed belief in yourself that you CAN be committed to regular exercise
SPRING SESSION STARTS APRIL 3 – Spaces are VERY limited for this program in order to keep the coaching as personal as possible
Interested in learning more? Watch this short video created prior to the launch of our first round of Stronger U to learn more about why we’re so excited about this program!