Zoey Kelly
(Yoga Instructor)
I am forever grateful for my roots in Irricana, no matter how far away I may be, the open skies and rolling prairies will always be my home. Eagerly engaged in the community and actively involved in sports, I was 14 years old when a new yoga studio came to our little town. Practicing among a handful of adults, I never felt out of place. Just like my surrounding prairies, I knew I was home. I devoted time to connect with myself and my breath, and the benefits I reaped from each class I carried with me day after day, week after week, until it was clear yoga was now just as much a part of my life as anything else.
As I journeyed my way through Mount Royal University, I rediscovered my love for mindful movement practices and connected with yoga studios in the city. I noticed that the more I devoted to my mat, the more relaxed and resilient I became in my everyday life. I thank my yoga practice for slowing me down from the often demanding and stressful lifestyle I have in the city of Calgary, where I currently reside.
In 2018, I completed my 20 hr kids YTT and with that training under my belt, I knew I wanted more! My passion for the outdoors and my need for yoga led me to embark on my 200 hr-YTT with Wilderness Yoga School in Canmore, AB. My degree in Ecotourism and Outdoor Leadership is complementary to my yoga teaching and practice as I strive to deepen my understanding of mind-body awareness, asanas, connection, and self.
I believe that there is great joy in connecting with the mind and body to create peace and openness in one’s heart.
Yoga is not about touching your toes, it is about what you learn on the way down. The experience of yoga is more than simply the movements through the poses. What is so lovely, is that you can decide what yoga means to you and why you desire to show up on your mat; yoga is yours.
Just as I have been guided gently through my experiences by the people who acknowledged my light, I hope to offer the same support to you and your yoga practice; whether you are an experienced yogi, or brand new! I look forward to connecting with you at Altitude Fitness.